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Firmware 1.4.0 is here! Macros and File Management for everyone!


1.4.0 Firmware. Macros & File Management for X35/X50/Pro Machines using the BB (Buildbotics) controller.

1.4.0 Release Notes


* Added Macros in Main Ui to run with a button click (Default Macros)

* Delete Macros, Reset Macros, Renaming Macros, Edit Macros.

* Add Additional Macros (i.e., Default macros + Additional)

* Create Folder and G-Codes

* Delete Folder and G-Codes

* Upload Folder and File

* Folder Structure

* New Folder, File, Download, Play, Pause, Stop Icons

* Renamed the XY Origin and Z origin buttons on jog screen for clarity.

Bug Fixes:

* Change the Ui Field value back to line from current time.

* ⁠PWNCNC slow down Issue, Change the value from 6 to 5.

* Remote GUI is not updating properly (Update the Remote GUI upon Firmware screen updates).

* Rename Macros to Macro.

* Ui Glitch on Text box Resize issue.

## Known Issues:

* If you name a macro the same as a file name, when deleting the file name or macro, it will delete both.