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MEET THE MAKER - Marty Mitchell - Mitchell's Woodwork

Marty Mitchell - Mitchell's Woodworks

Meet Onefinity CNC user Marty Mitchell from Mitchell's Woodworks.


I started woodworking as a hobby in 2017, basically making picture frames, shelves, small tables, etc. Eventually became interested in cabinetry and furniture, and did quite a few local jobs for folks. My biggest job was making 3 work stations and a reception desk at "The Fade Shop" in Judsonia, AR. I have since made one more work station, a logo sign, shelves and apron hooks for the them. Just about everything in their shop was made by me and I'm super proud of that!

Which Onefinity model(s) do you own and what do you use them for?

Mitchell's shop features the Elite Foreman with QCW. Since I received my Foreman Elite I've mainly used it for instructional YouTube videos. I quickly found that the learning curve from my previous CNC router, a Shapeoko Pro, to Onefinity Elite was pretty steep, so I started videoing every step of my learning process in hopes of helping the thousands of others that are getting their new Elite machines delivered every week. It's been quite an interesting ride. Since I've always had a face more suited for radio I never envisioned myself as a YouTube guy...yet, here I am (see more below!). LOL

Did you have any CNC background before using the Onefinity?

I started out with a used Bob's CNC that I bought on Marketplace in late 2018, and I never even plugged it up. It just sat in our spare bedroom for months. I guess I just hated the way it looked. For whatever reason I could never get inspired to give it a try. Then that following Spring I spotted a good deal on a used Inventables X-Carve 1000 and figured THAT was the one I had been looking for. So I bought the X-Carve and sold the Bob's CNC. But the X-Carve suffered the same fate as the Bob's (since it comes in a million different parts in baggies). It sat in that same bedroom from March until September 2019. Eventually my wife told me that I either needed to use it or sell it, she was tired of looking at it. So on September 22 I brought a couple of my sawhorses (the ones I built on my 54th birthday) into our garage and placed an old hollow core door over them for a makeshift work table. That day changed everything for me. I became a CNC fanatic!

Comments on the Onefinity CNC Machine?

The CNC has probably added 20 years to my creative life. I have health issues, and as I've gotten older it's become more difficult to handle sheets of plywood or heavy walnut and maple lumber like I used to. The CNC is much easier on me physically. I could see myself doing CNC work from a wheelchair, if it ever came to that. It's truly been a godsend for me, both personally and professionally.

Thoughts to share with those contemplating purchasing a Onefinity?

I tell everyone, go ahead and start with the Onefinity because that's where you're eventually going to end up anyway if you get serious about CNC's. One of the best things compaired to my previous CNC's is that it comes 95% preassembled. My wife is happy that it didn't sit in boxes in our bedroom for months! lol. Only 30 minutes or so and it went from boxes to assembled and cutting my first piece! (see the YouTube video below of assembly)

What is Your Favorite Onefinity CNC Project so far?

I'm actually just enjoying making the YouTube videos featuring my Onefinity Elite. Right now I'm happy learning more about my Elite and learning to be a better content creator. But the Christmas season is getting closer so I know I'll be getting busy with more signs and plaques soon.

Check out Mitchell's YouTube Channel featuring 'How to's and tips' that answer all your Onefinity Elite Questions!

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